Meet our Goldens


The Dashing Gentleman with a Heart of Gold

Carl, our esteemed stud, hails from the prestigious Alberts Family Goldens in Louisville, Indiana, a lineage known for its exceptional breeding practices and commitment to the Golden Retriever breed standard. Since joining our family, Carl has proven to be the perfect addition, gracing our lives with his unwavering calm, mellow demeanor, and loving personality.

​Beyond his impeccable temperament, Carl's physical appearance is nothing short of breathtaking. His deep, dark mahogany red flat coat is a sight to behold, a rich tapestry of hues that captivates the eye and speaks volumes of his regal lineage. Upon welcoming him into our home, we were cautioned to expect a more spirited personality, as red Golden Retrievers are often referred to as "spicy goldens." However, Carl has defied these expectations, embodying a cool, calm, and collected presence that is the antithesis of the stereotypical "spicy" temperament. ​

​His closest fur companion is Quinn, but it is his mom who holds the key to his heart. Carl is, without a doubt, a true momma's boy, showering her with affection and loyalty that knows no bounds.

​His presence in our family is a testament to the exceptional breeding practices of Alberts Family Goldens, as well as our own commitment to responsible dog ownership and the preservation of the Golden Retriever breed. In Carl, we have found not only a stud of exceptional pedigree but also a cherished member of our family, a constant source of joy, comfort, and unconditional love.


A Goofy and Adventurous Companion

Russell is the full-blooded brother of Ellie, and he's undoubtedly the goofiest dog in our pack. If you're searching for a pup with an endearing, one-of-a-kind personality that will keep you entertained, Russell's litters are the perfect choice. His offspring inherit his playful and humorous nature, ensuring that every day with them is filled with laughter and joy.

​But Russell's puppies aren't just comedians; they also make exceptional hunting companions. With their keen senses and boundless energy, they'll be your loyal partners on every outdoor adventure, whether you're tracking game or simply exploring the great outdoors. Their zest for life and affectionate nature will make them cherished members of your household, bringing endless joy and companionship to your daily routine.

​Perhaps the most remarkable trait of Russell's litters is their unwavering devotion to their families. Quinn & Russel's pups are always eager for a playful romp, whether it's chasing a ball in the backyard or embarking on a hiking excursion through the wilderness. Their zest for life and affectionate nature will make them cherished members of your household, bringing endless joy and companionship to your daily routine.​


The Irresistible Menace, the Golden Gem

EJ, the cousin of Ellie, Russell, and Elleanor, is the epitome of the Golden Retriever breed, embodying both the quintessential looks and personality that have made this breed a beloved favorite. She is truly the complete package, a shining example of canine perfection.

​Among her pack, EJ stands out with the biggest and most vibrant personality. Her loving nature knows no bounds, and her intelligence and loyalty are unparalleled. She is an outgoing, hilarious companion, she is traditional medium orange coloring with a stunning block head and a luxurious, long coat that demands admiration. The list of her endearing qualities could go on forever.

​HOWEVER, it is her delightfully mischievous streak that truly sets EJ apart. She is, without a doubt, a total menace – but in the most endearing and irresistible way imaginable. Her antics and playful spirit bring endless joy and laughter to our family, making every day an adventure filled with surprises and cherished moments.

​We are truly blessed to have EJ as a part of our pack. Her infectious energy and unwavering love have woven her into the very fabric of our family, and we cannot imagine our lives without this golden gem. EJ is everyone's favorite.


The Joyful Water Baby and Eternal Optimist

Quinn is our red female & a radiant bundle of happiness, her infectious joy spilling forth in a constant stream of "cheerful vocalizations". Her tail never stops wagging, even when she finds herself in a spot of mischievous trouble.

​A true adventurer at heart, Quinn thrives on long trail walks, but it is in the water where she truly shines, earning her the affectionate moniker of "our water dog." Amidst her aquatic escapades and trail-blazing adventures,
​Quinn's heart remains firmly tethered to her dearest companion, Carl. This inseparable duo is seldom seen apart. Wherever Carl goes, Quinn is sure to be by his side, her unwavering loyalty and affection a testament to the profound connection they share. 

​​Quinn's cheerful energy is truly infectious, her boundless enthusiasm is a constant reminder to embrace each moment with unbridled happiness, to find delight in the simplest of pleasures, and to approach every adventure with an open heart and a wagging tail.​


The Regal Elleanor aka Elle: A Queen Among Canines

Bearing a name that pays homage to her esteemed sister, Elleanor is the full-blooded sibling of Ellie and Russell. While she may be the spitting image of her sister, Elleanor's personality is a force unto itself, a unique and captivating presence that demands attention and admiration.

​Elleanor reigns supreme as the undisputed queen of the pack, and her regal bearing is treated with the utmost respect and reverence. Her every move exudes a sense of grace and authority, commanding the unwavering loyalty and devotion of those around her.

​ Yet, beneath her majestic exterior lies a heart overflowing with love and unwavering loyalty. The affection and devotion that Elleanor showers upon our family is a treasure we cherish deeply, a constant reminder of the profound bond that exists between humans and their canine companions.

​Elleanor's obsession with our family is truly a sight to behold. Her every action, every wag of her tail, and every soulful gaze speaks volumes of her utter devotion to those she holds dear. She is a constant companion, a steadfast guardian, and a source of unconditional love that knows no bounds. She is our "people dog" by our sides 24/7, our vet loving refers to her as our "stage 5 clinger" as she even sits in her lap while receiving her immunizations!

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